West Caln Township
721 West Kings Hwy PO Box 175 Wagontown, PA 19376 (610)384-5643
Zoning Hearing Board
Purusant to the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code (MPC), Act of 1968 every municipality which has enacted or enacts a zoning ordinance shall create a Zoning Hearing Board. The purpose of this board is to hear issues that require variance relief or special exception from requirements set forth in the zoning ordinance.
West Caln Township's Zoning Hearing Board consists of three members and one alternate. Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. To make the agenda for a meeting, applications must be submitted 4 weeks in advance of the scheduled meeting or they will be placed on the agenda for the following month. (i.e. applicants wanting to be placed on the February meeting agenda would need to submit a completed application no later than January 25th). Meetings are held at the township building, 721 W Kings Highway, Coatesville, PA commencing at 7:00pm.
2025 Meeting Schedule
January* |
February 25 |
March 25 |
April 22 |
May 27 |
June 23 |
July 22 |
August 26 |
September 23 |
October 28 |
November 25 |
December 23 |
*Indicates Meeting Canceled Red Color = Date Change
NOTE: Application for 3400 Compass Road - Variance from Section 350-1303.B and 350-1303.D.2 (Required Off-Street Parking) and a Special Exception fromSection 350-701.A.2.F - to allow for a second permitted use in a single building - HAS BEEN CANCELED AND CONTINUED INDEFINITELY