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Stormwater Management





Welcome to the West Caln Township Stormwater Management Information page.  This page is designed to provide Township residents with quick access to information and resources to preserve and protect clean water in the Township and the Chester County regional community.  West Caln Township is actively involved in a variety of programs and initiatives to meet various Statewide and National goals for clean water.  Local residents

and businesses have a role to play too, which when combined together will have a positive impact on our environment and the water that is so important to us all.


The Township is actively involved in meeting statutory permitting requirements under state and federal law.  The Township is also active with

partners in a variety of programs and strategies to enhance water quality through plantings, mowing strategies, implementation of stormwater management facilities and other "best management practices" (BMPs). 


We hope that you will find this information useful in learning about the requirements as well as tools to use on your own.  For direct information

from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, visit their website at


What Is Stormwater?

Stormwater is water runoff from precipitation that flows across the ground and pavement when it rains or when snow and ice melt.  The water seeps into the ground or drains into storm sewers.  These are the drains you see at street corners or at low points on the sides of streets.  Collectively, the draining water is called stormwater runoff. 

Why is Stormwater Sometimes a Problem?

Stormwater becomes a problem when it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt and other pollutants as it flows or when it causes flooding and erosion of stream banks.  Stormwater travels through a system of pipes and roadside ditches that make up stormwater systems.  It eventually flows directly to a lake, river, stream, wetland, or coastal water.  All of the pollutants stormwater carries along the way empty into our waters, too, because stormwater does not get treated.

This is why your assistance is needed to improve local water quality.

Residential Solutions to Stormwater Pollution

As stormwater flows over driveways, lawns, and sidewalks, it picks up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants. Stormwater then flows into a storm sewer system or directly to a lake, stream, river, wetland, or coastal water. Anything that enters our storm sewer system is discharged untreated into the waterbodies we use for swimming, fishing, and providing drinking water. It does not go to the water treatment facility.  Polluted runoff is the nation’s greatest threat to clean water. By practicing healthy household habits, homeowners can keep common pollutants like pesticides, pet waste, grass clippings, and automotive fluids off the ground and out of stormwater. Adopt these healthy household habits and help protect lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, and coastal waters. Remember to share the habits with your neighbors!


10 Ways to Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution:


1.  Conserve Water by stopping faucet drips

2.   Never dump anything down storm drains

 3.   Pick up after your pet

 4.  Sweep up driveways and sidewalks

5. Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly

6. Plant gardens in bare spots

7. Direct rooftop runoff to grass or gardens

8.  Check cars for leaks

9.  Wash cars at the car wash

                                                                     10. Compost your yard and organic wastes 



              Other Ways to Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution:

·         Properly dispose of hazardous substances, such as used motor oil, cleaning supplies and paint – never pour them down any part of the storm sewer system, and report anyone who does.

·         Look for signs of soil and other pollutants, such as debris and chemicals, leaving construction sites in stormwater runoff or tracked into roads by construction vehicles. Report poorly managed construction sites that could impact stormwater runoff to the Township.

·         Install innovative stormwater practices on residential properties, such as rain barrels or rain gardens, that capture stormwater and keep it on-site instead of letting it drain away into the storm sewer system.

·         Report any discharge from stormwater outfalls during times of dry weather – a sign there could be a problem with the storm sewer system.

·         Store materials that could pollute water indoors and use containers for outdoor storage that do not rust or leak to eliminate exposure of materials to stormwater.

Homeowner Links/Brochures:


·      Stormwater Guide Residential Flyer

·     When it Rains, it Drains

·         After the Storm

·     Make your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution

·     Water Efficient Landscaping

·     A Homeowners Guide to Stormwater Management

·         Clean Water is Everybody's Business

·     10 Thinks to Prevent Stormwater Runoff


Wave of the Future Kids’ Corner

Looking to enlighten our future generations to the importance of our water resources? Check out the links below for materials created by the EPA to help you do so.

·     Take the Storm Water Runoff Challenge placemat

·     EPA: Environmental Sites for Kids

·     EPA: Polluted Runoff Kids page

·     EPA: Water for Kids

·     EPA: Water Games and Activities

·     EPA: What Kids Can Do



Ways to Help Limit Stormwater Runoff Volume



Rain Garden A rain garden is a planted shallow depression designed to catch and filter rainfall runoff.  The garden captures rain from a downspout or a driveway.  The water sinks into the ground, aided by deep rooted plants that like wet and dry conditions.  A residential rain garden should dry out between rains and should only hold water for approximately 24 -72 hours.  This timeframe prevents standing water that could create mosquito habitat.  For more information on how to create your own rain garden, visit



Rain Barrell Rain barrels are installed at the bottom of your down-spouts and catch the rain water that comes off the roof.  You can then reuse that water to water your garden or yard.  Please try to empty your rain barrel between rain events to maximize the effectiveness of the rain barrel.  You can either purchase your rain barrel or make your own.



Plant Trees As we remove forest canopy and replace it with roads, parking lots, driveways, homes, patios, pools (impervious surfaces) and even grass, we immediately have impact on watersheds and receiving streams.  Planting trees, shrubs and/or plants that have a deep root structure help stormwater infiltrate into the ground.  They also catch rain water on their leaves and branches which helps to reduce the amount of run-off during a storm. For more information on trees to plant in our region, visit



Pet Waste and Water Quality


Pet Waste Did you know the deposit Fido made on the lawn this morning is a growing threat to our environment? Did you also know that studies have found that 40% of pet owners do not pick up after their pets?  The average dog produces a half a pound of waste per day. If 40% of the pet owners in Montgomery County don’t pick up after their four-footed friends, the dog waste is left behind on the ground to decompose or be carried away by stormwater runoff to our creeks and waterways.

When pet waste reaches our waterways, the untreated bacteria, nutrients and parasites contaminate the water and pose health risks to humans and other animals. Don’t let your dog be a canine sewage pipe. Flush your dog’s waste down the toilet, toss it in the trash or better yet, get a doggy composter.

Be a responsible pet parent; always remember to Stop, Stoop and Scoop.  Your pet(s) and the environment will thank you!

Use the link below to view the EPA's guidelines and Best Management Practices (BMP) in regard to pet waste and the impact on water pollution.


EPA:BMP’s on Pet Waste Management



Business Solutions to Stormwater Pollution

Stormwater Pollution Business Businesses also need to be aware that things they do or products they use in their daily operations can enter the stormwater system and affect our water sources. Runoff from construction sites, spills at fueling areas and chemicals used to keep outdoor areas clean can be picked up by rainwater and whisked into the storm sewer system.

Vehicle wastes are among the many common stormwater pollutants that can degrade water quality. Stormwater runoff from vehicle maintenance and repair wastes has been found to contain high concentrations of metals, organics, oil and grease. When these wastes wash into our waters they can kill aquatic organisms. Metals such as chromium, cadmium, lead, and zinc have the potential to contaminate drinking water supplies as well as bio accumulate in aquatic life. Organics such as engine degreasers, cleaners, and other solvents can also degrade water quality.


Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG)

·         Use a FOG recycling/rendering service that provides watertight outdoor receptacles of adequate size.

·         Clean-up FOG spills as soon as they occur. Develop a "spill plan."

·         Use dry clean-up practices to scrape, wipe or sweep FOG from utensils, equipment and floors prior to using wet clean-up methods.

·         Don't hose FOG waste down storm drains.

·         Improper disposal of FOG may lead to by-products in wastewater treatment plants and stormwater systems.

·         Schedule FOG pick-ups related to volume of FOG generation.

·         Maintain pavements and exterior grease traps.


Storage Container Safety

·         Outdoor storage containers should be water tight, rodent proof & protected from tampering.

·         If materials aren't stored properly, pollutants can leak from stockpiles and containers and run out onto the ground.

·         Reduce risk to environment by reducing the amount of materials and wastes kept in storage.

·         If materials must be stored outside, construct a covered, paved area designed to contain leaks and spills.

·         Regularly clean up around dumpsters.

·         If a dumpster leaks, immediately repair or replace it.

Preventing & Cleaning Up Spills

·         Don't allow open containers or tanks that are being filled to be left unattended.

·         Use a funnel when transferring liquids from one container to another.

·         Place trays under open containers and the spouts of liquid storage containers.

·         Buy products in smaller quantities whenever it’s cost effective.

·         Design work areas to contain spills.

·         Absorbent materials used to clean up hazardous substances must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

Business Links/Brochures:


·         EPA – Pollution Prevention for Businesses: Environmental Management Assistance Program

·         Maintain your BMP’s

·         Construction Runoff

·         Where Does Stormwater Go?

·         More Tools to Manage Stormwater!

·         Stormwater Information for Automobile Repair Shops

·         Stormwater Information for Restaurants

·         How Do Businesses Detect Stream Pollution or an Illicit Discharge?

·         Guide for Pollution Prevention – Businesses

·         Business Stormwater Flyer

·         Best Management Practices

·         Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Facilities


Construction Industry Information

Stormwater Pollution Construction The construction industry has a key role to play in stormwater management. As stormwater flows over a construction site, it can pick up pollutants such as sediment, debris, and chemicals. Uncontrolled erosion has a significant financial impact on a construction project. It costs time and money to repair gullies, replace vegetation, clean sediment clogged storm drains, and mitigate damage to other people's property.

Installing and maintaining pollution prevention techniques on site can reduce the potential for stormwater pollution and help protect our nation's water supply.





·        Minimizing the amount of exposed soil, because the less soil that is exposed the easier and cheaper it will be to control erosion. Sequence construction activities so that the soil is not exposed for long periods. Schedule site stabilization activities such as landscaping to be completed as quickly as possible after the land has been graded to the final contour.


·        Identify and protect areas where existing vegetation such as trees will not be disturbed by construction activity.


·        Protect streams, wild woodlands, wetlands, and other sensitive areas from any disturbance or construction activity by fencing or otherwise clearly marking those areas.


·        Silt Fencing:   Inspect and maintain silt fences after each rainstorm. Make sure that the bottom of the silt fence is buried in the ground. Securely attach the material to the stakes.


·        Construction Entrances:  Make sure the construction entrance doesn't become buried in soil. Regular street sweeping at construction entrance will prevent dirt from entering storm drains.


Construction Links/Brochures:


·         EPA:  Link for Construction

·         Stormwater Guidelines for Construction

·     Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster


Clean Water Act

Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act is the federal legislation that governs stormwater management. Stormwater point discharges to waters of the U.S. are regulated using National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. In 1999, federal regulations extended coverage of the NPDES program to local separate storm sewer systems (MS4’s) serving populations less than 100,000. West Caln Township is required to comply with the NPDES program as a MS4. Under the NPDES stormwater program, permittees must develop a stormwater management plan that provides the details of how the community (West Caln Township) will comply with the requirements of the permit. Permits are based on a framework of six minimum control measures:


Ř  Public education and outreach


Ř  Public participation and involvement


Ř  Illicit discharge detection and elimination


Ř  Construction site runoff control


Ř  Post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment


Ř  Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations and maintenance


        More information on this program is available from the Pennsylvania DEP website.


       Storm Drain Stenciling:

Storm Drain Stencil West Caln Township is charged with marking the storm drains in the township with the "No Dumping / Drains to Creek" stencils. These storm drain stencils educate the public that anything you dump into the storm drain ends up directly in a creek or other public water way. If you would like to volunteer and help with storm drain stenciling: check your neighborhood for missing stencils then call:   610-384-9035


Watersheds in West Caln Township

A watershed is made up of the land area that drains to a specific body of water, such as a tributary, stream or river. The topography of our local hills and valleys define the watershed boundary (catchment area) and the watershed outlet is the mouth of a pond, river or lake.  There are three (3) watersheds that run through West Caln Township, they are:

·     West Brandywine Creek (Christina River Basin)

·     Pequea Creek (Chesapeake Bay Basin)


Watershed Links & Brochures:


·     Center for Watershed Protection

·     Chester County Conservation District

·     Brandywine Valley Association

·         PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Point and Non-Point Source Management

·     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Stormwater Homepage

·     EPA:  Stormwater Tool Box of Education Materials

·     PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Conservation and Restoration

·        PA Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office

Stormwater Discharges from MS4


West Caln Township Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

The goals of all MS4s programs and Horsham Township are to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the township, to protect water quality and to satisfy requirements of the Clean Water Act. Horsham Township would like you to remember that the water and any items that go into a storm sewer go directly into streams. This water is not cleaned in any way and does not go to the waste water treatment plant. Horsham Township needs all of its residents to assist us in keeping our storm water and storm water sewer system clean by doing the following: dispose of water properly, clean up after your pets, use fertilizers properly and efficiently to prevent excess runoff and store materials that could pollute storm water indoors.Also, please monitor storm water inlets near your property. No one should dump anything into the storm sewer system.

EPA Fact Sheets:

·     Overview of the Phase II Program

·     Small MS4 Overview

·     Who's Covered?

·     Urbanized Areas





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The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II stormwater program requires that Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) address the six required elements contained in the federal regulations to reduce water pollution:

Information on this program is available from the Pennsylvania DEP at the following website:

Stormwater/ MS4 References and Resources


Newly Adopted West Caln Township Stormwater Management Ordinance and Appendices – Refer to the links located at the top of the opening West Caln Township webpage at

Related Websites

NPDES Permit Program Basics 

EPA MS4 Fact Sheets 

EPA Stormwater Program Overview 

EPA MS4 Overview 

EPA Stormwater Outreach Materials 

Stormwater BMP Menu 

DEP Southeast Regional Office 

Chester County Conservation District 

Chester County Planning Commission

Villanova University Stormwater Management Information

Homeowner's Guide to Storm Water

Best Management Practices for Businesses

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary

Chester County Water Resources Authority

Rain Gardens

A Farmer’s Guide for Healthy Communities

Educational Brochures

When It Rains It Drains
After The Storm
Septic System Maintenance 

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Tips
Swimming Pool Guidelines